Focus topic offshore: Greater success with sound site investigations

© Fraunhofer IWES/Gerrit Wolken-Möhlmann
Fraunhofer IWES offers many years of expertise in offshore projects in national and international waters.

Designing and constructing offshore wind farms demands comprehensive knowledge of the environmental conditions at the selected location. This is the only way for the project to be a financial success. Fraunhofer IWES carries out measuring campaigns and wind modeling as well as investigating geological subsurface characteristics. Innovative technologies tried and tested in feasibility studies, data analyses, and actual offshore deployments are employed for sound site investigations.

2D and 3D investigations with ultra-high-resolution multichannel seismics

IWES also offers in-depth experience for offshore projects in international waters. CFD (computational fluid dynamics) models are employed to simulate the offshore wind conditions according to the atmospheric flow. The effects of existing wind farms are also included. Floating lidar systems are employed for the offshore wind measuring campaigns. They deliver accurate results, as an algorithm takes their own motion into consideration.

For subsurface investigation, IWES has developed 2D and 3D geological investigation technologies with ultra-high-resolution multichannel seismics and brought them to market maturity. A further field of application is boulder detection performed with the aid of refraction seismic data analysis and artificial intelligence.

Increased cost-efficiency through efficient project and risk management

IWES offers efficient project and risk management as a basis for successful and cost-efficient planning and installation as well as operation of offshore wind farms. Together with partners, IWES also develops new technologies with the aim of being able to exploit the potential of the direct offshore production of green hydrogen and other power-to-x products effectively.

Current research projects on the focus topic of »Offshore«