Contact Press / Media
Dr. Julia Gottschall
Chief Scientist
Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems
Am Seedeich 45
27572 Bremerhaven, Germany
Phone +49 471 14290-354
The Senior Scientists’ focus is on scientific work at IWES. As employees of the institute, they have a special hourly quota and material resources at their disposal. Their duties include the organization of international information events and doctoral colloquia, composing and editing contributions for scientific conferences, supporting knowledge management within the institute, and compiling binding quality assurance guidelines.
All Senior Scientists have many years of experience with scientific work and have individual focuses. The position of Chief Scientist is at head of department level and held by Dr. Arnoldus van Wingerde and Dr. Julia Gottschall. They are fully assigned to the scientific work, organize interdepartmental research work, participate in the conception and hosting of scientific events, and represent the institute in national and international committees.