
Tenders for the award of contracts for supplies and services (German Regulation on Sub-Threshold Procurement (UVgO), German Ordinance on the Award of Public Contracts (VgV), General Provisions on Contract Awards for Public Supplies and Services (VOL/A)) as well as for construction works (General Provisions Relating to the Award of Construction Contracts (VOB/A)) and for freelance services (UVgO, VgV)

For national and EU tender procedures, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft uses its own award platform as well as the Deutsche eVergabe award platform. Contract notices, the exchange of information between competitors/bidders and the awarding office (bidder questions), the provision of award documents and the submission of bids by the bidders are carried out on the respective platform. National tenders are also announced on the Bund.de platform, whereas EU tenders are published on TED (Tenders Electronic Daily). 


Participation in tenders

If you would like to participate in a national or EU tender, register for free on the tender platform of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft or on the Deutsche eVergabe portal.


Tender platform of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (AI BIDDINGCOCKPIT)

--> www.vergabe.fraunhofer.de

In accordance with section 9 (3), sentence 2 VgV and section 7 (1) UVgO, the contract notice and the award documents are available to you on the Fraunhofer tender platform even without registration.

Please note that registration is required for requests to participate as well as for bid submissions and bidder questions. We therefore recommend that you register as early as possible in order to receive possible bidder information; otherwise you risk to be excluded from bidding.

If you have questions about AI Bietercockpit, please contact the Administration Intelligence AG support team.

Deutsche eVergabe award platform

--> www.deutsche-evergabe.de

According to section 9 (3), sentence 2 VgV and section 7 (1) UVgO, the contract notice and the award documents are also available to you at Deutsche eVergabe without registration.

Please also note the Deutsche eVergabe tendering FAQ.
If you have any questions, Deutsche eVergabe will be happy to help. Please fill out the support form completely.


Notices of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft contract notice can also be found on:

  •  TED (Tenders Electronic Daily), the procurement platform of the European Union: www.ted.europa.eu/TED

as well as on

  • the procurement platform of the German Federal Office of Administration www.bund.de