IWES: Excellence through knowledge transfer

© Jens Lehmkühler
Fraunhofer IWES enhances expertise through innovative and practice-oriented further qualification.

Fraunhofer IWES focuses on success through collaboration in both research and development and in knowledge transfer. We offer our customers customized and needs-oriented knowledge transfer directly from wind energy and hydrogen research and development.

Depending on the topic, IWES forms learning alliances with other Fraunhofer institutes as well as with colleges, universities and training providers, such as the C3L – Centre for lifelong learning in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Academy.

This means that our customers and partners have access to both standardized and customized options for further qualification and skills development. The program is aimed at both individuals and companies.

Customized training – get in touch with us!

For companies, we offer knowledge transfer in the form of individually designed training courses – on current development topics, online, hybrid or face-to-face. The training courses are customized to the needs of companies and participants.

Part-time training – our offers

Our part-time training programs impart up-to-date knowledge from various areas of research and development. They deal with a wide variety of challenges in different areas in an application-oriented manner, enabling participants to acquire the skills to assess, initiate and manage wind energy and hydrogen projects.


Production of green hydrogen


Acquire up-to-date knowledge and interdisciplinary skills! (German only)

Energy policy, technology, economic efficiency

Developed with the industry for the industry: Learn with us how hydrogen projects are successfully initiated, planned, and implemented!

Research knowledge for practical use

The Fraunhofer Academy is the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft’s continuing education institution. It was founded in 2006 to promote the transfer of knowledge from research at the Fraunhofer institutes to commercial enterprises.

Through its continuing education formats, the Fraunhofer Academy passes on current research knowledge and expertise from the Fraunhofer institutes to commercial enterprises in order to provide employees with the best possible qualifications. After all, applied research only makes sense and companies can only remain competitive on the global market if new research results reach companies and become innovations there.

Fraunhofer ILIAS: Digital learning space for continuing education

The Fraunhofer learning platform ILIAS is the digital learning platform for continuing education with Fraunhofer. On their way to excellence, interested parties can find the digital elements of their continuing education here. In addition to courses that have already been booked, there are also further innovative continuing education topics from Fraunhofer's application-oriented research to be discovered.

Active for a sustainable future: Challenges in the production of green hydrogen from wind and solar energy


Read more in our blog article!

Research and development – our projects

The high demand for the sound and reliable development of products for wind energy and hydrogen technology makes knowledge transfer in the form of research and development projects necessary. Together with its partners, IWES meets these challenges with accompanying and supporting research. By pooling proven expertise and a unique research infrastructure, we can provide the wind energy and hydrogen industry with unparalleled innovation potential.

H2HUB: Training skilled workers together 

Together with Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, Otto von Guericke University, and Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, IWES is working on establishing a central H2HUB for training and further education. This should improve the ability to meet the high demand for qualified specialists in the hydrogen value chain. Bundling training and further education formats creates new bridges for and within the Central German region.

To The »H2hub in Saxony-Anhalt« PROJECT

University cooperations

Fraunhofer IWES’ success depends on talented and committed people willing to take on the challenges of industry and science, which is why we work closely with universities and colleges in the areas of research and academic training and further education and are highly committed to the qualification of young scientists. Together, we form scientific collaborations and networks and create learning alliances that are structurally anchored in the long term through cooperative professorships. 

With a broad competence base, we develop economically and socially relevant topics. The theoretical foundations at universities and colleges are combined with practical implementation at IWES. Pooling expertise ensures students receive comprehensive and practical training and further education under the best possible conditions.

As a scientific partner for the development and implementation of degree courses, we implement the findings from wind energy and hydrogen research and development directly into the training and further education programs.

Colleges and universities with which the IWES cooperates:

Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg

Focus: Aerodynamics and numerical wind energy meteorology, knowledge transfer

Leibniz University Hannover

Focus: Load-bearing structures, test center load-bearing structures

University of Bremen

Focus: Subsoil investigation

Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences

Focus: Electrolyzer test field and hybrid power plant

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

Focus: Large bearings, large bearing test bench, field tests for integration of local energy systems

University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer

Focus: Sustainable Maritime Mobility, AG NMM

Technical University of Denmark

Focus: Scaling test infrastructure

Ruhr University Bochum

Focus: Highly integrated mechatronic drive systems

Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences

Focus: Hydrogen technology, Hydrogen Lab Görlitz

Hamburg University of Technology

Focus: Knowledge transfer

Merseburg University of Applied Sciences

Focus: Systems process engineering, knowledge transfer

Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

Focus: knowledge transfer