Online game brings green hydrogen research to life

Press release /

Leuna, September 20, 2023. The production of green hydrogen at sea researched in the H2Mare Flagship Project can now be experienced in the form of a browser game. In »Offshore - the H2Mare Game«, players can build their own offshore wind park, produce green hydrogen and test the future technologies researched in the project on screen. With this modern approach, H2Mare aims to inspire a new, younger target group for green offshore technologies in a playful way, and in doing so to familiarize them with their importance as a foundation for a successful energy transition. The project was coordinated and implemented by the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES in collaboration with the Berlin-based creative agency Sapera Studios. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provided around 70,000 euros in funding for the project.

© H2Mare/Sapera Studios
A screenshot from the game »Offshore – the H2Mare Game«.
© H2Mare/Sapera Studios
In »Offshore – the H2Mare Game« various facilities can be built and coupled with each other.
© Fraunhofer IWES
Visitors to Husum Wind 2023 test the new game »Offshore – the H2Mare Game«.

»With our previous information measures, we primarily reach an adult audience of experts. Using the gamification approach, we would now like to additionally tailor our offer to a technology-savvy, young target group and promote their interest in the hydrogen and power-to-X technologies developed in H2Mare through fun and interaction,« explains Dr.-Ing. Klaus Litty, Group Manager Large Scale Project Management and Coordination at Fraunhofer IWES and Project Manager H2Mare. »It is crucial for the energy transition that the coming generation also knows about sustainable hydrogen-based power generation.«

Current figures and research data from H2Mare were incorporated into the game to ensure its scientific quality. To this end, experts from the lead project worked closely with the game developers. For an authentic experience, data on realistic weather influences and environmental events were also incorporated into the game.

In a virtual marine environment, players are invited to create their own offshore park. The goal is to collect as many points as possible within a limited time. Both the quantities of green hydrogen and its downstream products produced, and environmentally friendly behavior are included in the score. Integrated tasks and quizzes add further points and test the knowledge of the players.

»Offshore - the H2Mare Game« can be played free of charge and without registration or prior installation at It is compatible with the most popular browsers for desktop PCs as well as smartphones and tablets.

About H2Mare:

The Flagship Hydrogen Project H2Mare is researching the generation of green hydrogen and other power-to-X products at sea. The development of the fundamentals of an innovative type of wind turbine and a new type of electrolyzer that works efficiently and without grid connection despite harsh offshore conditions are at the heart of H₂Mare research. In addition, H₂Mare is addressing overarching issues such as safety and environmental aspects, value chains and infrastructure requirements.

H₂Mare is one of three hydrogen Flagship Projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The Flagship Project H₂Giga focuses on the series production of large-scale electrolysers and TransHyDE explores storage and transport options for hydrogen.

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About Fraunhofer IWES:

Fraunhofer IWES secures investments in technological developments through validation, shortens innovation cycles, accelerates certification procedures, and increases planning accuracy by means of innovative measurement methods in the wind and hydrogen technology sectors. At present, there are more than 300 scientists and employees as well as more than 100 students employed at the nine sites: Bochum, Bremen, Bremerhaven, Görlitz, Hamburg, Hanover, Leer, Leuna and Oldenburg. 

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