ReaLCoE: Next Generation 10+MW rated, Robust, Reliable and Large Offshore Wind Energy Converters for Clean, Low Cost and Competitive Electricity

The challenge

The project ReaLCoE aims at unleash the full potential of offshore wind energy to be in direct competition with conventional energy sources in electricity markets worldwide. This project will turn this vision into reality through the vertical integration of the value chain, by moving from sequential to modular and parallel development, testing and certification while engaging in new forms of collaboration. Over the course of the project, the consortium will develop, install, demonstrate, operate and test a technology platform for the first prototype of a double-digit rated capacity turbine in a realistic offshore environment.


The solution

At Fraunhofer IWES, accelerated testing of the prototype in the Dynamic Nacelle Testing Laboratory (DyNaLab) will be carried out, followed by a measurement campaign at a test field. Furthermore, scientists will search for optimized logistic scenarios and evaluate LCOE.

The project will become a front-runner in the development of next generation offshore wind turbines with double-digit rated electric capacities: Increased operational lifetime and lower service and maintenance requirements will substantially reduce LCoE. The robust, reliable and modular turbine design allows to easily customize wind turbines for different markets and client requirements.


The added value

The successful prototype operation is succeeded by the installation of a pre-series array in a real offshore environment by 2021, which will validate the concept and pave the way for modular generations of wind turbines with superior rated capacities.

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