Wind Muse: Wind Turbine in a Multidisciplinary Simulation Environment

Funding: BMWi
Partner: DLR
Duration: 01/2014 - 03/2017

OneWind models and software from Fraunhofer IWES Northwest are combined with the tools and models of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), which are already established in aeronautics, in a multi-disciplinary simulation environment. This bundles the experiences and potentials of the collaboration partners in the fields of modelling, tool development and simulation of wind turbines in an optimal way.
For industrial use, the OneWind Framework will be extended in terms of user-friendliness and the application cases reproduced. The coupling of models and simulators will be developed further in order to be able to connect additional external simulators or use OneWind sub-models in external simulators. A model-to-model coupling based on the Modelica modelling language will be used to couple the individual models from IWES and DLR.