Smart Blades II: Smart rotor blades of the next generation


Funding: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)
Partner: DLR, Emerson-SSB, Enercon-WRD, ForWind, GE, Henkel, Nordex, Senvion, Suzlon
Duration: 06/2016 - 06/2020


The SmartBlades 2.0 Project provides the continuation of SmartBlades Project and leads closer to the wind turbine complete system by means of the results gathered from the technologies of the previous project, as well as specific further developments and both experimental tests and validations.

Thanks to the collaboration within the Research Alliance Wind Energy, the tasks would be distributed on the basis of the main focus of the research institutes in order to guarantee a successful exchange of experiences and a strong further development of the technologies.

In SmartBlades2.0 project the Fraunhofer IWES bring into focus the investigation of passive technologies for load reduction by means of both experimental activities at test-rig and measurements on a test turbine with Bend-Twist-Coupling blades. The results of lab and field measurements provide the foundation for the validation of the development program for the technologies derived from the previous project. Moreover the new phenomena arising from the coupling would be measured and analyzed from the structural design point of view to properly taking them into account in the future.

Further activities are devoted to the investigation of the aerodynamic effects on the complete rotor of active technologies, as flap and slat, to include these into the design and implementation of such technologies within a wind turbine.