
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Funding amount IWES: 883,335 EUR
Partner: Fraunhofer IWES, IMWS, IWU, ICT,  IFAM, IFF, IIS, IKTS, IPM, IEG, IWM
Duration: 08/2021 -  12/2022


  • development and placing at the disposal a software platform for the modeling and simulation of hydrogen infrastructures
  • the software platform allows the modeling and simulation of complete hydrogen value chains from the primary energy to the generation of hydrogen right up to its use
  •  individual model components can be used to setup digital twins
  • simulation of the complete model can be performed via a distributed co-simulation.

In order to achieve this, the cumulative hydrogen expertise of eleven Fraunhofer institutes is combined to define a comprehensive data and model structure.