AFLOWT: Accelerating market uptake of Floating Offshore Wind Technology

The challenge

The project will demonstrate the survivability and cost-competitiveness of a floating offshore wind technology. It will also support the development of an active supply chain in the region which has some of the strongest wind and ocean resources in the world. 


The solution

The project is the first one of its kind at such scale to draw on expertise from right across Europe. The successful technology demonstrations will fundamentally expand the global offshore wind market. The consortium partners will work on the feasibility and the cost effectiveness of this floating offshore wind project.


The added value

Once planning, permitting and supply chain requirements are in place, the floating turbine will be tested for a year at SEAI’s Atlantic Marine Energy Test Site (AMETS) off the west coast of Ireland. Deployment is currently planned for 2022. By testing at AMETS, the technology developed in AFLOWT will be proven in the harshest of North West Europe’s offshore environments, readying it for application at any deep-water offshore environment across the world.

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