List of publications

Rational Upscaling and Modelling of a Semi-Submersible Floating Offshore Wind Turbine 

Summary: Implementation of 5 MW, 7.5 MW, and 10 MW wind turbine systems on semi-submersible floaters, with consecutive simulations and partial verification. 
Year: 2016
Category: MoWiT,  Development, Verification 
Zum Paper

Python-Modelica Framework for Automated Simulation and Optimization 

Summary: Development of a Python-Modelica framework for automated simulation and optimization of wind turbine systems modeled in MoWiT. 
Year: 2019
Category: Python-Automation 
Zum Paper

Reliability-based Optimization of Floating Wind Turbine Support Structures 

Summary: Development of offshore and floating components within MoWiT, as well as application of the MoWiT-Dymola-Python framework for performing automated DLC simulations, as well as various optimization tasks. These include design optimization based on global limit states, as well as more future-oriented and sophisticated optimization tasks for advanced floating structures or including scaling for larger turbines. Finally, an approach is developed and applied to realize reliability assessments within the design optimization of floating wind turbine systems. 
Year: 2020
Category: MoWiT, Development, Python-Automation, Optimization, Verification
Zum Paper

Validation and Development of Improved Methods for the Calculation of Wave Loads on XXL Monopiles 

Summary: Implementation and verification of the MacCamy-Fuchs approach in MoWiT against CFD simulations, considering XXL monopiles. 
Year: 2018
Category: MoWiT, Development, Verification 
Zum Paper

Development and Verification of an Aero-Hydro-Servo-Elastic Coupled Model of Dynamics for FOWT, Based on the MoWiT Library 

Summary: Application and extension of MoWiT for simulating floating wind turbine systems, and verification of this aero-hydro-servo-elastic coupled model of dynamics on the example of the OC3 spar-buoy floating wind turbine. 
Year: 2020
Category: MoWiT, Development, Verification 
Zum Paper

Development of a Framework for Wind Turbine Design and Optimization 

Summary: Development and presentation of the general structure of a framework for automated simulation and optimization of complex engineering systems, exemplified by means of the MoWiT-Dymola-Python framework for wind turbine systems. Including the presentation of application examples for automated DLC simulations, as well as optimization tasks. 
Year: 2021
Category: Python-Automation, Optimization
Zum Paper

Larger MW-Class Floater Designs Without Upscaling?: A Direct Optimization Approach 

Summary: Application of the MoWiT-Dymola-Python framework for obtaining a scaled and optimized floating support structure for a larger wind turbine in one step, based on a developed direct optimization approach. 
Category: Optimization
Zum Paper

Design optimization of the OC3 phase IV floating spar-buoy, based on global limit states 

Summary: Application of the MoWiT-Dymola-Python framework for the design optimization of the floating OC3 spar-buoy, supporting the NREL 5 MW wind turbine. The optimization is performed based on global limit states, so that the outer dimensions are limited, while the optimization objectives address the nacelle acceleration, system inclination, as well as translational motion. 
Year: 2020
Category: Optimization
Zum Paper

The OneWind Modelica Library for Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Simulations with Flexible Structures 

Summary: Making use of the hierarchical programming structure in Modelica, a fully flexible floating wind turbine system is modeled by means of MoWiT. The implemented fully flexible model is compared with its rigid equivalent, as well as results from code-to-code comparisons of free-decay simulations. 
Year: 2017
Category: MoWiT Development, Verification
Zum Paper

OC6 Phase I: Investigating the underprediction of low-frequency hydrodynamic loads and responses of a floating wind turbine 

Summary: Application of MoWiT within phase I of the OC6 project to validate a model of the OC5-DeepCwind semisubmersible, focusing on the different hydrodynamic load components. 
Year: 2020
Category: Verification
Zum Paper

Reliability-based design optimization of a spar-type floating offshore wind turbine support structure 

Summary: Application of the MoWiT-Dymola-Python framework for the reliability-based design optimization of the floating OC3 spar-buoy, supporting the NREL 5 MW wind turbine. A methodology is developed to integrate the time-consuming reliability assessment efficiently and accurately within the iterature optimization process. 
Year: 2021
Category: Optimization 
Zum Paper

Real Time Simulation of Wind Turbines for HiL Testing with MoWiT 

Summary: Presentation at the Wind Energy Science Conference (WESC) 2019, in which the application of MoWiT for hardware in loop tests on the Dynamic Nacelle Testing laboratory (DyNaLab) is presented. 
Category: Real-Time application 
Zum Paper

Projekt OneWind (Phase 2) : Schlussbericht 

Summary: Final report of the research project OneWind Phase 2, in which, among other things, the initial development of the MoWiT models is presented. Only in German. 
Year: 2015
Category: MoWiT Development, Verification 
Zum Paper

The OnWind Modelica Library for Offshore Wind Turbines – Implementation and first results

Summary: A Modelica Library including all major components needed for load calculations of current offshore wind turbines is developed. The library includes models for external conditions, like wind, soil and waves, and their respective influence on the structures. The results obtained with this library are compared to the results from the IEA Wind Task 23 project OC3 (Offshore code comparison collaboration). 
Year: 2011
Category: MoWiT Development, Verification 
Zum Paper

The OneWind Modelica Library for Wind Turbine Simulation with Flexible Structure – Modal Reduction Method in Modelica 

Summary: This paper gives an overview of the Modelica implementation of the theory of modal reduction, the advantages over other methods (like finite-elements approach), how the ModalElement model is included into the MoWiT Library, and how it is used for load calculation of wind turbines. 
Year: 2014
Category: Development and first verification results of a modal reduced beam model.  
Zum Paper

Method for the generation of stochastic wind fields fitted to measurement data in real-time 

Summary: The excitation of the wind turbine by the wind represents one of the main sources of excitation for the components of the wind turbine. The method presented here shall be able to generate a realistic spatial wind excitation by means of the measured wind information present at each wind turbine, thus enabling model and load validation in the time domain. Furthermore, the method is fast enough to calculate the wind excitation in real time, allowing for application in Hardware-in-Loop or as part of a digital twin of the wind turbine. 
Year: 2020
Category: Real-time wind simulation  
Zum Paper

Verification of a numerical model of the offshore wind turbine from the Alpha Ventus wind farm within OC5 phase III 

Summary: The main objective of the Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration Continuation, with Correlation (OC5) project, is validation of aero-hydro-servo-elastic simulation tools for offshore wind turbines (OWTs) through comparison of simulated results to the response data of physical systems. Phase III of the OC5 project analyzes the Senvion 5M wind turbine supported by the OWEC Quattropod from the alpha ventus offshore wind farm. This paper shows results of the verification of the OWT models (code-to-code comparison). Based on the available data, the participants of Phase III set up numerical models of the OWT in their simulation tools. A very good match was achieved between the results from the reference SWE model and models set up by OC5 Phase III participants
Category: Verification 
Zum Paper

Validation of Numerical Models of the Offshore Wind Turbine from the Alpha Ventus Wind Farm against Full-Scale Measurements within OC5 Phase III 

Summary: The main objective of the Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration Continuation, with Correlation (OC5) project is validation of aero-hydro-servo-elastic simulation tools for offshore wind turbines (OWTs) through comparison of simulated results to the response data of physical systems. Phase III of the OC5 project validates OWT models against the measurements recorded on a Senvion 5M wind turbine supported by the OWEC Quattropod from the alpha ventus offshore wind farm. A number of validation load cases were defined based on some operating conditions. The simulation results and measurements were compared in terms of time series, discrete Fourier transforms, power spectral densities, and probability density functions of strains and accelerometers. A good match was achieved between the measurements and models setup by OC5 Phase III participants. 
Category: Validation 
Zum Paper

Python Framework for Wind Turbines Enabling Test Automation of MoWiT

Year: 2021
Category: Validation 
Zum Paper