IWES as an employer: it benefits you too!

© Jan Brandes

There are not only exciting duties but also a modern work environment and institute culture awaiting you at IWES. As part of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, we also offer you reliable framework conditions, attractive benefits, and much more.

Allow us to convince you:


Basic salary
We pay on the basis of the Collective Agreement for the Public Sector – Federal Government (TVöD Bund). In addition to the monthly salary, our fixed salary also includes a special annual payment as a one-off payment.

Variable compensation
Success and performance pay off at IWES: Our institute-wide success and bonus systems also offer you the opportunity to increase your personal annual salary through your collective and individual contribution to the institute’s success.

Capital formation benefits
Would you like to invest money, for example, in your own home or in the form of a savings plan? In the case of favored forms of investment, we will be happy to support you with a subsidy for capital formation benefits in accordance with the TVöD.

Employee discounts
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft staff also have the opportunity to benefit from a wide range of attractive discounts and benefits on the Corporate Benefits and BestSecret Online Shop platforms. Even bargain hunters find what they are looking for here.


During your 30 days of annual leave, you can relax and recharge your batteries while enjoying your free time and freedom without being disturbed. 

Retirement provision
If you work for us under a collective agreement, you will receive a company pension from the Pension Institution of the Federal and State Governments (VBL). There are different models available, which are financed by both parties. Furthermore, we also offer supplementary agreements such as deferred compensation.

Flexible working:

Working hours
Our flextime and core time system allows you to plan your working day flexibly and offers you plenty of freedom for your private life. You log your working hours electronically and can view your working time account at any time. If you do have to work overtime, the extra hours are not lost, and the time can easily be taken off in lieu. 

Mobile Working
We offer you the option of mobile working at times – from home, in the train, or at one of the many IWES sites. We will provide you with the requisite technical equipment. 

Part-time models
In addition to full-time employment at 39 hours per week, we also offer a wide variety of part-time models. Together, we are sure to find the perfect solution with a view to your current stage of life.

Further development:

Professional development 
At IWES, personal and professional development and qualification are just as integral an aspect of everyday work as working on our exciting projects and topics. Here, you can pick and choose from an extensive training catalog offered by the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft as well as the external training offering. In addition, we regularly offer in-house training courses that are tailored to IWES needs and help you to master your challenges.

Is a doctorate the next step for you? We maintain close cooperations with universities and colleges as well as an excellent network within the scientific community. Our research projects offer a wealth of doctoral topics that you can utilize to achieve your personal goal. We accompany the process of your doctorate with a doctoral guideline, qualification plan, and the corresponding agreement as well as the exchange at the institute.

Career opportunities
Your advancement is very important to us, which is why we offer you a wide variety of career opportunities: as an expert, as a specialist or manager, in project and research management, or for your academic development. Even if your career goal lies beyond Fraunhofer, we will offer you support and the necessary springboard. Regular meetings allow us to learn more about your development goals, so we can encourage your individual potential in a targeted manner.

Work environment:

Special focus is placed on collaboration at IWES – including across teams and disciplines. For this reason, we organize both digital gatherings such as the weekly IWES Forum and regular staff meetings for personal exchange. There are space and rooms available for meetings and exchanges at our locations. In Bremen, the institute also has a co-working space for interaction with many colleagues. This does not always happen automatically during day-to-day work, but it is very inspiring.

We facilitate your arrival at IWES with the institute’s onboarding program. In addition to the technical orientation in your team, we organize a variety of introductory events for you. This helps you to familiarize yourself with cross-disciplinary processes with ease and to build up your own network within the institute. An IWES mentor will also be available to answer all your questions while you find your feet.

We are a young institute with a motivated and great team. Many of our staff are in similar stages of life, for example starting a family, which is why we offer parent-child offices and childcare kits at some sites. We also have access to support formats from pme Familienservice, including emergency childcare.

Equal opportunities 
We set great store by diversity and equal opportunities as well as ensuring that each and every individual feels welcome here right from day one. We promote this specifically via our bilingual institute communication, the “Fraunhofer TALENTA” program for (junior) female scientists in the STEM sector, and by raising awareness of and offering training on all aspects of the topic of diversity, for example. We are convinced that diversity is key to our success.

Saving resources
We make significant contributions to a sustainable future with our research spectrum. Consequently, we keep our carbon footprint in our day-to-day work as low as possible too – for example where our travel activities are concerned. Business air travel is offset at Fraunhofer. Individuals who travel primarily by train for business purposes receive a Bahncard Business rail card, which may also be used privately. In addition, we also have electric company cars. The responsible use of resources is of fundamental importance to us.